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The Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, having consulted the Ordinaries of the Dioceses, has agreed that the cessation of public liturgies should begin from Friday evening 20th March 2020. Because of the situation the Church finds herself in, the obligation for the faithful to attend Holy Mass on a Sunday or Holy day of Obligation is removed, until further notice.
Evangelization: That Christians in Africa may give witness to love and faith in Jesus Christ amid political-religious conflicts. (See alsoApostleship of Prayer) MISSIO Be a missionary through prayer. Please join Pope Francis and the whole Church in praying for monthly mission intentions, particularly for ten minutes on Fridays between 12.30 and 12.40pm
DIOCESE OF SALFORD REFUGEE APPEAL is being organised by Caritas offers of help see the Caritas website
CHURCH CLEANING - The next church cleaning will be Tuesday 17 March at 10.00 a.m.. Everyone welcome, no experience needed, an equal opportunity employer, any age, gender, all abilities very welcome. All equipment provided.
. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD GROUP During 9.30 Mass at the Liturgy of The Word. Meet at the back of Church for fun songs, Bible reading and art activities. See Emily Allmand for more information.
VISITS!!!! If any member of your family or parishioner is unable to attend Church, due to illness or by being in hospital (ANY HOSPITAL!). Please inform Father Marsland on 0161 624 3762 to enable him to arrange a visit.
Year 4 sacramental programme
PARENT'S FORUM There is a FACEBOOK page called 'Friends of St Edwards Community Events" where the Forum post updates about meetings/events etc and which we would love people to join.
FRIENDS OF ST EDWARD'S TODDLER GROUP, Open Thursdays (term time) 9.30-11.30 in the Church Hall. Healthy snacks, rhyme time & fun only £1.50 for first child, 50p any extras.
FRIENDS OF ST EDWARD'S have contributed children's religious themed sticker books (adding to the donated books already in the Church Porch). Please feel free to make use of them during Mass.
ABC - ABOUT BEING CATHOLIC Thursday from 7pm ‘till 8pm in the presbytery for anyone thinking of becoming Catholic and all who are interested in discussing religious topics and helping those who are preparing to join the Church. All very welcome, (no age limit). www.caseresources.org.uk and www.comehomeforchristmas.co.uk for more information . CASE also runs the Catholic Enquiry Office, offering free and confidential information about the Catholic faith to enquirers - if you know someone who has questions about the Catholic faith, you could ask them to look at www.life4seekers.co.uk
Piety Shop. REPOSITORY STALL Open after each Mass, come along and browse. One of the roles of the SVP is to visit people in their own homes. If you would like a visit or you know of anyone who would like a visit please let us know by ringing Kath on 0161 620 9692 or Geoff on 0161 678 6901. We would like to stress that all visits and information are kept in the strictest confidence. We are concerned that we may not know if relatives/friends would like a visit from the SPV or indeed, would like to receive Holy Communion at home. We have a letter box at the back of church for you to leave details e.g. relatives going into care or anyone you know who may like a visit. SVP WANTED Donations of foreign coins/notes, pre-decimal coins. Please see notice in porch and leave in container. Thank you Thank you to all who contribute to our collections every second Sunday of the month. If you would like a visit from the SVP or know of anyone who you think might like a visit please ring Geoff on 678 6901 or Kath on 620 9692. All information is kept in strict confidence. New members welcome if interested, please contact a member of the SVP. The SVP has a letter box on the wall at the back of church, which can be used by any parishioners to leave messages for the SVP.
Emergency Food Distribution for Refugees (See J&P pages) Our parish continues to be a major supporter in supplying food donations for asylum seekers here in Oldham. In short supply at the moment are tins of fish (in oil)such as Tuna,Sardines and Mackerel. Rice long life milk ,fruit juices,biscuits etc are also most welcome. Please continue your valuable support leaving donations at the back of church.
STAMPS WANTED collection of used stamps (as many or a few as you can manage) on behalf of Cystic Fibrosis. Please leave in the box at the back of Church.
New people are needed for every activity and group mentioned in this Newsletter. Any help you can give to continue to build up the Parish Community will be invaluable .Please don’t be shy coming forward during the summer months, as you can see we have a few blank spaces for volunteers. New readers needed to read at every Mass during the weekend. The readings are available beforehand so you can go over any tricky bits! Please contact Fr John or Eileen O'Toole Many people wanted a copy of this which was read in Church recently….a good thought to start the New Year. A Lifetime
Function Rooms (Parish Centre) : Church Hall available for parties, weddings, christenings,events etc. Bar and staff included. Enquiries to Hugh Chrystal 07796 615514. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU CONTACT FATHER MARSLAND St .Edward's Lending Library Checkout the bookrack in the Church Porch (just outside the Piety Shop). If you have any Christian books you no longer require, please consider donating them to our library for other people to enjoy. Books may be freely borrowed but please remember to return them!Catholic newspapers are also on sale in the porch - please pay at the Piety Shop CHILDREN’S LIBRARY Do you have any children’s books, bibles, books about saints, you could donate to Church? We are trying to get a selection of books for children to borrow during Mass. Please leave in the box at the back of Church. Links pages Several new links have been added to our links page EWTN - This 24 hour catholic television channel is now available on Sky channel 589 . Programme Schedule can be downloaded from http://www.ewtn.co.uk/