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The Fundraising Committee are always looking for new members and new ideas to help in raising funds for parish needs. Amongst the regular annual events we have the spring fair and Christmas fair, a sponsored walk and the Bonanza Draw. If you would like to assist and/or you have any ideas for fun ways of raising funds then watch the newsletter for the date of the next meeting (held every 2 or 3 months)
Fundraising Meetings Dates
of meetings are advised in the newsletter
100Club: We have current membership of 71 and plenty of vacancies. If you are not already a member but would like to join,tickets are £60 per year or £5 per month which may be paid by standing order .The monthly draw has prizes of £75; £35 and £15 and there is a quarterly draw for £300. Anyone wishing to take up a new membership, or renew a lapsed membership, should contact Derek Clayton on 6335758 or email d.clayton177 @ntlworld.com .
Offertory Envelopes This year's offertory envelopes are now available. If you would like to start using envelopes please put your name and address in the book at the back of church. If you prefer to donate via Standing Order, please put your name and address in the book and add a note to that effect so that the appropraite form can be issued to you. If you are a tax payer and complete a Gift Aid form, the Church can reclaim tax in respect of your contributions. Last year St Edward’s claimed almost £10,000. The Gift Aid forms are also at the back of church, should you need help completing it please ask. If you already have envelopes but you have not returned any in the past year these will not be automatically re-issued. Gift Aid. If you have signed a Gift Aid Form, please remember to use the envelopes each week, since donations in the loose collection cannot be included in this scheme. If you are a taxpayer, and have not signed a Gift Aid Form, you can obtain a form and envelopes or a Direct Debit form,by putting your name in the book at the back of church. This form shows how much Gift Aid increases a donation, and also shows higher tax payers (i.e. those paying 40%) how, by claiming back tax relief, they can make a higher donation to St. Edward's Parish and still only pay the amount they originally proposed to donate.