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Clergy since 1872

Canon Dolan

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9 June 2007






Mothers' Prayers

Mothers Prayer groups began a few years ago when Veronica and Sandra, two grandmothers from Kent, felt that there was a growing need to pray in a more committed way in order to combat the problems facing our children and grandchildren. Since then, Mothers Prayers groups have spread throughout the world. Our parish group is to be relaunched and will meet after the 7pm Mass on Sunday. "Mothers' Prayers" is intended for small groups, meeting in Church or at members homes.A prayer group may be started with only two mothers. Members meet every week and obey the strict rule of confidentiality.During the meetings a mother may share her worries without the fear of anything being repeated outside of the meeting. The other mothers support her in her prayer and she will feel supported by thousands of mothers around the world who are also part of Mothers Prayers.

Mothers experience a great peace with the blessing of this wonderful prayer support.

We follow the format suggested by Veronica and Sandra :

We pray to ask the Holy Spirit to guide the meeting and to open our hearts.

We ask for the Lord's protection on the meeting

We pray for forgiveness for anything we may have done which would disturb our peace

We pray to be one in heart and mind

We give glory to God

We thank God for the gift of Motherhood

We follow with prayers and a bible reading

Then we place our children's names, and the names of the children for whom we have promised to pray,  in a basket at the foot of the cross. This is a symbol for us that we are handing our children into Jesus' care.

If children are present, we encourage them to pray for their Mother

We pray for husbands and fathers 

We pray for all "Mothers Prayers" groups, uniting our prayers with theirs

Lord Jesus, we come before you as mothers, wanting you to bless our children, and all children throughout the world.
We thank you for our children - they are a precious gift to us. Help us, always to remember this, especially when they are in difficulties
Lord, they live in a troubled world - a world that does not always acknowledge you, - a world that may sometimes cause them to be laughed at if they admit to belief in you.
Help them to be strong, Lord. Helps us to know that you are always with us - sharing in the joys and in the sorrows, joining us in the laughter and weeping with us in the pain.
Please give us all the graces we need, to fulfil your plans for our lives and for our duties in our families. You are Almighty God. You can change things.
So we turn to you in faith and love knowing that you will answer our prayers. Lord let us always remember how much you love us and our children and how you urge us to come to you with our problems.

See for more details

A small group meets in Church on the second Sunday of each month at 8pm (after Mass)

Other family links:

St.Gerard's Family League

The League of St Gerard Prayer

Great protector of the family, St Gerard,

we ask your prayers for all parents,

that they may receive the grace to live

in the love of God and bring up their children

to know and love him with all their hearts.

We ask you to pray also that those who take the lives

of unborn innocents and attack

the dignity of motherhood

may come to see the error of their ways,

and that all may value the true holiness

of Christian family life.

God, our loving Father, your love gives life

to the world. Bless and make holy

all human love, especially the life-giving love

of husband and wife. May your love

fill the hearts and homes of all families,

so that the world may enjoy the peace

and happiness promised by your Son,

Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen


Prayer for a Child's Return to The Faith

Dear Lord, You became man, suffered and died to win salvation for all souls. Look graciously on the soul of my child who has drifted away from You and the Faith. Grant him/her Your grace to see the error of his/her ways and return to the fold in Your care. Teach me to stay close to him/her during this trying time and to try to convert him/her by action and prayers more than by words that may antagonise. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust You to do everything to bring my child back to You. Amen



St.Gerard Majella